# "Hurt" 单词释义、用法及同义词辨析

## 一、基本释义


### 1. 动词形式

- **物理疼痛**:Hurt 常用来描述身体上的疼痛或伤害。例如:“I hurt my ankle while playing soccer.”(我在踢足球时扭伤了脚踝。)

- **情感伤害**:除了物理疼痛,"hurt" 也常用于描述情感上的痛苦或伤害。例如:“Your words really hurt me.”(你的话真的伤害了我。)

### 2. 名词形式

- **痛苦**:作为名词,"hurt" 表示遭受的痛苦或伤害。例如:“She felt a deep hurt inside her heart.”(她内心深处感到深深的痛苦。)

- **损害**:在某些情况下,"hurt" 也可指对事物的损害或损失。例如:“The storm caused a lot of hurt to the local economy.”(风暴给当地经济造成了很大损失。)

## 二、用法例句

### 1. 现在时态

- **一般现在时**:主语 + hurt。例如:“When I eat spicy food, it really hurts my tongue.”(当我吃辣的食物时,我的舌头真的很痛。)

- **现在进行时**:主语 + am/is/are + hurting。例如:“She is hurting badly after the surgery.”(手术后,她非常痛苦。)

### 2. 过去时态

- **一般过去时**:主语 + hurt。例如:“He hurt himself while climbing the mountain.”(他在爬山时伤到了自己。)

- **过去进行时**:主语 + was/were + hurting。例如:“She was hurting all over when she woke up.”(她醒来时全身都疼。)

### 3. 将来时态

- **将来进行时**:主语 + will be + hurting。例如:“If you don't wear gloves, you'll be hurting your hands.”(如果你不戴手套,你的手会受伤。)

- **将来完成时**:主语 + will have hurt。例如:“By the end of the marathon, he will have hurt every muscle in his body.”(马拉松结束后,他全身的肌肉都会疼。)

## 三、同义词辨析

1. **Injure** - 比"hurt"更正式,通常用于严重的物理伤害,如事故或战争中的伤害。例如:“The car crash injured several people.”(车祸造成多人受伤。)

2. **Pain** - 更侧重于描述感觉,而不仅仅是伤害。例如:“She felt a sharp pain in her chest.”(她感到胸口一阵剧痛。)

3. **Agony** - 强调极度痛苦,常用于描述精神或情感上的痛苦。例如:“She was in agony after her breakup.”(分手后,她承受着巨大的痛苦。)

4. **Damage** - 通常用于描述对物体或环境的破坏。例如:“The flood caused extensive damage to the houses.”(洪水对房屋造成了大量损坏。)

5. **Upset** - 在情感上,"upset"更侧重于失望、沮丧或困扰。例如:“She was upset when she found out about the cancelled event.”(当她得知活动取消时,她很失落。)