
1. **定义1:创作,作品**


   - "The student spent hours on her composition for the music competition."(学生花了几个小时准备她的音乐比赛作品。)

   - "His composition, 'Eternal Love', has captivated audiences worldwide."(他的作品《永恒之爱》赢得了全球观众的喜爱。)

2. **定义2:构成,组成**


   - "The composition of the atmosphere is approximately 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen."(大气的组成大约是78%的氮气和21%的氧气。)

   - "The artist's use of color in the painting reflects the unique composition of the landscape."(画家在画作中对颜色的运用反映了风景的独特构成。)

3. **定义3:作文,写作**


   - "The teacher asked the students to write a composition about their summer vacation."(老师让学生写一篇关于暑假的作文。)

   - "Her composition on climate change was well-researched and persuasive."(她写的关于气候变化的作文研究深入,有说服力。)

4. **同义词辨析**

   - **"Creation"**:这个词更强调创新性和原创性,常用于艺术作品或宇宙万物的创造。例如:"The creation of the world according to Greek mythology."(希腊神话中世界的创造。)

   - **"Structure"**:侧重于事物的组织形式或构造,不强调创新性。例如:"The structure of the building is both functional and aesthetically pleasing."(这栋建筑的结构既实用又美观。)

   - **"Makeup"**:在物质组成方面,"makeup"更偏向于化学或物理意义上的混合物成分。例如:"The makeup of the soil affects plant growth."(土壤的成分影响植物生长。)

   - **"Writing"**:一般指文字表达,涵盖范围广泛,可以是小说、诗歌、报告等各种形式。例如:"He enjoys creative writing, especially short stories."(他喜欢创意写作,尤其是短篇小说。)