
1. 方向或位置:这是"point"的基本含义,如"east point"表示"东方"。例如:"The compass always points north."(指南针总是指向北方。)

2. 观点或论点:在讨论或辩论中,"point"指的是一个人提出的看法或主张。例如:"She made a valid point about the importance of education."(她提出了一个关于教育重要性的有力观点。)

3. 分数:在竞赛或评分系统中,"point"表示得分。例如:"Our team is leading by two points."(我们队领先两分。)

4. 尖端或尖锐部分:例如:"He broke the point of his pencil."(他弄断了他的铅笔尖。)


1. 指向:表示用手指或其他物体指示方向或位置。例如:"She pointed at the map and said, 'That's our destination.'"(她指着地图说:“那就是我们的目的地。”)

2. 强调:用来突出或强调某一点。例如:"I want to point out that time management is crucial for success."(我想指出时间管理对于成功至关重要。)

3. 指责或批评:例如:"Don't point fingers at others; look at your own mistakes first."(不要指责别人,先看看你自己的错误。)


1. "Mark":虽然"mark"也有"点"的意思,但它更常指留下的标记或记号,而非方向或位置。例如:"She made a mark on the paper to remember where she stopped reading."(她在纸上做了个标记,以记住她读到哪里了。)

2. "Opinion":在表示观点或论点时,"opinion"比"point"更具有主观色彩,可能基于个人的感觉或信念。例如:"He expressed his opinion on the matter."(他对这个问题表达了看法。)

3. "Score":在竞赛或评分中,"score"与"point"相似,但"score"通常用于总体分数,而"point"更侧重于单个得分。例如:"The final score was 3-1 in favor of the home team."(最后比分是3-1,主队胜出。)

4. "Direct":当"point"表示"指向"时,"direct"可以作为同义词,但"direct"更常用于指导或指挥的动作。例如:"He directed us to the nearest hotel."(他指引我们去最近的酒店。)