1. **名词用法**


   "Gauge"作为名词,最常见的是指一种测量工具或标准,用于确定物体的尺寸、容量、重量或其他物理特性。例如,我们可能会说:"The plumber used a pressure gauge to check the pipes."(水管工使用压力表检查管道。)




   - "The bullet's caliber is determined by its gauge, which measures its diameter."(子弹的口径由其度量决定,这测量了它的直径。)

   - "The thickness of the metal sheet is measured in gauges."(金属板的厚度以度量单位来衡量。)

2. **动词用法**


   作为动词时,“gauge”意味着估计或判断事物的大小、程度或数量。例如:"She tried to gauge his reaction to the news."(她试图判断他对这个消息的反应。)


   - "Before starting the project, they had to gauge the time and resources required."(在开始项目之前,他们需要评估所需的时间和资源。)

   - "The psychologist was gauging the patient's emotional state through their body language."(心理学家通过病人的肢体语言来评估他们的情绪状态。)

3. **同义词辨析**

   - **Measure**:与"gauge"相似,"measure"也指测量或评估。然而,"measure"更通用,可以用于所有类型的测量,而"gauge"往往用于更具体或技术性的测量。

   - **Assess**:"assess"强调对价值、影响或能力的评价,通常涉及一些主观判断。例如,评估学生的知识水平或评估一个项目的成功可能性。

   - **Estimate**:"estimate"侧重于对未知量的近似计算,通常基于有限的信息。它比"gauge"更不确定,可能包含一定误差范围。


   - "Gauge":I need to gauge the weight of the package before shipping it.(我需要先测量包裹的重量再寄送。)

   - "Measure":Use the ruler to measure the length of the table.(用尺子测量桌子的长度。)

   - "Assess":The teacher will assess students' understanding of the lesson through a quiz.(老师会通过小测验评估学生对课程的理解。)

   - "Estimate":I estimated the cost of the renovations to be around $10,000.(我估计装修费用大约在1万美元左右。)