
"Deprive"是一个英文动词,源于拉丁语"depravare",意为“使堕落”或“剥夺”。在现代英语中,"deprive"主要表示剥夺或拿走某人或某物的价值、权利、物品或享受。它通常带有负面含义,暗示一种不公平或不公正的情况。其基本结构是 "deprive somebody of something"。


1. 基本用法:

   - 主动语态:A deprives B of C (A剥夺了B的C)

   - 被动语态:B is deprived of C by A (B被A剥夺了C)

2. 例句:


   - The government decided to deprive the company of its tax benefits. (政府决定剥夺这家公司的税收优惠。)

   - Parents should never deprive their children of education. (父母不应该剥夺孩子受教育的权利。)

   - The drought has deprived the farmers of their livelihood. (干旱剥夺了农民的生活来源。)

   - The thief deprived her of her purse. (小偷夺走了她的钱包。)

3. 非限定性用法:

   - Deprive someone of sleep (剥夺某人的睡眠)

   - Deprive someone of their freedom (剥夺某人的自由)

   - Deprive someone of happiness (剥夺某人的快乐)


1. "Rob":与"deprive"相似,"rob"也表示拿走某人的东西,但通常指暴力或非法行为。例如:"The thief robbed the bank at gunpoint." (小偷持枪抢劫了银行。)

2. "Deny":"deny"强调否定或拒绝给予某人某物,不一定是物质的东西,也可以是机会、信息等。例如:"She denied him access to her personal files." (她拒绝让他查看她的个人文件。)

3. "Withhold":"withhold"表示保留或不给予,通常用于正式或法律的语境。例如:"They decided to withhold his salary until he completed the project." (他们决定在他完成项目之前不支付他的工资。)

4. "Strip":"strip"在某些情况下可以与"deprive"互换,特别是当涉及到剥夺权利或身份时。例如:"The king was stripped of his throne." (国王被剥夺了王位。)
