

1. 动词形式:

   - 广泛传播:指通过电视、电台、网络或其他媒体将信息、节目或消息传播给大众。例如:“The news was broadcast on all major TV channels.”(这则新闻在所有主要电视台播出。)

   - 散布:在农业中,这个词常用来描述播种时将种子均匀地撒在田地里。例如:“Farmers broadcast seeds across their fields in the spring.”(农民们在春天把种子播撒在田地里。)

2. 名词形式:

   - 广播节目:指通过无线电或电视传播的节目,包括新闻、音乐、戏剧等。例如:“She hosts a popular morning radio broadcast.”(她主持一个受欢迎的早间广播节目。)

   - 广播:作为动词的名词形式,表示传播行为本身。例如:“The government banned all broadcasts from the opposition station.”(政府禁止了反对派电台的所有广播。)


1. 用于描述信息传播:

   - "The newscaster began the evening broadcast with an update on the ongoing conflict."(新闻主播以对持续冲突的最新报道开始了晚间广播。)

   - "The company decided to broadcast their job openings on social media to reach a wider audience."(公司决定在社交媒体上发布招聘信息,以吸引更广泛的求职者。)

2. 用于农业场景:

   - "The farmer broadcast the seed evenly over the freshly plowed field."(农夫将种子均匀地撒在新犁过的田地上。)

   - "In the old days, farmers used to broadcast seeds by hand, but now they use machines for that purpose."(以前,农民们手工播种,但现在他们使用机器来播种。)


1. Transmit:与“broadcast”相似,都指传递或发送信息,但“transmit”通常用于更专业或技术性的环境,如无线电传输或数据传输。例如:“The satellite transmits signals to receivers all over the world.”(卫星向全世界的接收器发送信号。)

2. Publish:主要指以印刷或电子形式发布信息,如书籍、文章或新闻。例如:“The newspaper published an exposé on the corruption scandal.”(报纸发表了一篇关于腐败丑闻的深度报道。)

3. Disseminate:强调信息的广泛分布和传播,常用于学术或研究环境中。例如:“The research findings were disseminated through scientific journals and conferences.”(研究结果通过科学期刊和会议进行了传播。)

4. Spread:这个词更通用,可以指任何方式的传播,不仅限于媒体。例如:“Rumors spread quickly through the small town.”(谣言在这个小镇上迅速蔓延。)