## 1. 建筑物或住所



- "I just bought a new house in the suburbs."(我刚刚在郊区买了一栋新房子。)

- "The old house on the hill has been abandoned for years."(山上的那座老房子已经废弃多年了。)

## 2. 家庭或家族



- "The Smiths are a close-knit house."(史密斯一家是个关系紧密的家庭。)

- "Our house tradition is to have a big dinner on Sundays."(我们家的传统是在周日吃大餐。)

## 3. 公司或机构



- "The publishing house released a new bestseller last week."(出版社上周发行了一本新的畅销书。)

- "The House of Representatives is one of the two chambers of the US Congress."(众议院是美国国会的两个议院之一。)

## 4. 餐厅或酒吧



- "The house speciality is the seafood paella."(这家餐厅的招牌菜是海鲜烩饭。)

- "Happy hour at the pub means free drinks for the house."(酒吧的欢乐时光意味着免费的酒水供应。)

## 同义词辨析

1. **Home** - 指个人或家庭的居住地,带有情感上的归属感。例如:"This is where I feel at home."(这就是我感到宾至如归的地方。)

2. **Residence** - 更正式,通常用于描述较大的住宅或官方住所,如大使馆或大学宿舍。例如:"The president's official residence is the White House."(总统的官邸是白宫。)

3. **Building** - 泛指任何类型的建筑,不特指居住或办公用途。例如:"The new office building will be completed next year."(新的办公楼将在明年竣工。)

4. **Family** - 强调的是血缘关系或共同生活的成员,而非实际的居住空间。例如:"She comes from a large family with six siblings."(她来自一个有六个兄弟姐妹的大家庭。)

5. **Business** - 在商业语境中,"business"更常用于代替"house",强调公司的商业活动。例如:"The company's main business is software development."(公司的主营业务是软件开发。)