## 1. 路径或路线


### 例句:

- The route from my house to the office takes me through three traffic lights.(从我家到办公室的路上要经过三个红绿灯。)

- The plane will follow a northerly route to avoid bad weather.(飞机将采取向北的航线以避开恶劣天气。)

- In computer networks, data is transmitted along specific routes.(在计算机网络中,数据沿着特定的路径传输。)

## 2. 计划或策略


### 例句:

- Our marketing route for this product includes social media advertising and email campaigns.(我们这款产品的营销策略包括社交媒体广告和电子邮件推广。)

- The general decided on a surprise attack as his battle route.(将军决定采用突袭作为他的战斗策略。)

## 3. 线路或服务


### 例句:

- The new bus route connects the residential area with the city center.(新的公交线路将住宅区与市中心连接起来。)

- Please check the train route before you travel, as schedules may change.(出行前请查看列车路线,因为时刻表可能会有变动。)

## 同义词辨析:

1. **Path**:通常指自然形成的或者较小的道路,如小径或步行道。它更常用于非正式或文学语境中。

   - Example: The hiking path led us through a dense forest.(徒步小径带我们穿过了一片茂密的森林。)

2. **Track**:可以指车辆或动物留下的痕迹,也可表示特定的行驶或运行路径。

   - Example: The train track runs parallel to the river.(铁路线沿着河流平行延伸。)

3. **Course**:常用于描述水上或空中的路线,也用于抽象的进程或历程。

   - Example: The cruise ship followed its designated course across the Atlantic.(游轮沿着指定的航线穿越大西洋。)

   - Example: After years of hard work, she finally completed her college course.(经过多年的努力,她终于完成了大学学业。)

4. **Strategy**:侧重于计划或策略,尤其在商业、军事或政治领域。

   - Example: Their business strategy involves expanding into international markets.(他们的商业策略包括进军国际市场。)