


1. 作为名词使用:

   - "Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for many rural communities around the world."(农业是世界上许多农村社区的主要生计来源。)

   - "Advanced agriculture techniques have significantly increased crop yields over the past few decades."(先进的农业技术在过去几十年里显著提高了作物产量。)

2. 作为动词使用:

   - "He farms a large tract of land, practicing sustainable agriculture to protect the environment."(他在一大片土地上耕作,实践可持续农业以保护环境。)

   - "The government is encouraging young people to take up agriculture as a career."(政府鼓励年轻人将农业作为职业。)


1. Farming:Farming通常指的是实际的耕作活动,包括种植作物和饲养动物,它更侧重于个体或小规模的农业生产。例如:"My grandfather was a farmer, growing corn and raising cattle."(我的祖父是个农民,他种玉米,养牛。)

2. Husbandry:Husbandry主要指畜牧业,即对家禽和家畜的饲养和管理。例如:"Sheep husbandry is an important part of the local economy."(绵羊养殖是当地经济的重要组成部分。)

3. Cultivation:Cultivation通常指的是种植作物的行为,也常用于比喻精神或文化的发展。例如:"The cultivation of rice requires a lot of water and labor."(稻米的种植需要大量的水和劳动力。)

4. Horticulture:Horticulture特指园艺,包括水果、蔬菜、花卉等的种植。例如:"Her love for gardening led her to study horticulture in college."(她对园艺的热爱使她在大学里学习园艺学。)

5. Agronomy:Agronomy是一个更为专业的术语,它涵盖了农业科学的多个方面,包括土壤科学、作物生产和农业生态学等。例如:"Agronomists study the best methods for increasing crop yields while preserving soil health."(农学家研究在保持土壤健康的同时提高作物产量的最佳方法。)