## 一、单词释义

**conduct** 是一个多义词,在英语中有着广泛的使用。其基本含义包括以下几个方面:

1. **行为,举止**:指个人在社会交往中的表现或行为方式。

   - 例句:His conduct at the party was impeccable, showing great respect to all the guests.(他在派对上的行为无可挑剔,对所有客人都表现出极大的尊重。)

2. **管理,执行**:指组织、指导或控制某项活动或事务的过程。

   - 例句:The principal conducted a meeting to discuss the school's new curriculum.(校长主持了一个会议来讨论学校的新课程。)

3. **导电,传导**:在物理科学中,指物质传递电流或热能的能力。

   - 例句:Silver is an excellent conductor of electricity.(银是优秀的导电体。)

4. **表现,成绩**:在教育或职业环境中,指个人在特定任务或职责中的表现。

   - 例句:Her overall conduct in the job interview was impressive, which secured her the position.(她在面试中的总体表现令人印象深刻,因此得到了这个职位。)

## 二、用法例句

1. **行为,举止**

   - They were appalled by his rude conduct towards the staff.(他们对他对员工粗鲁的行为感到震惊。)

   - The children were taught to conduct themselves with politeness and respect.(孩子们被教导要礼貌而有尊重地待人。)

2. **管理,执行**

   - The orchestra conductor led the musicians through a challenging piece.(乐队指挥引领音乐家们演奏了一首高难度的作品。)

   - The company's CEO will conduct a series of training sessions for new employees.(公司的CEO将为新员工进行一系列的培训课程。)

3. **导电,传导**

   - The metal rod conducts heat efficiently from the stove to the pot.(金属棒能有效地将炉子的热量传导到锅里。)

   - In electronic circuits, conductors like copper and aluminum are commonly used.(在电子电路中,铜和铝等材料常被用作导体。)

4. **表现,成绩**

   - The teacher praised the student for her good conduct throughout the semester.(老师表扬了这位学生整个学期的良好表现。)

   - His conduct on the field earned him a spot on the varsity team.(他在场上的表现使他获得了校队的一席之地。)

## 三、同义词辨析

1. **manage**:更侧重于控制和组织事物,通常用于描述管理活动或处理复杂情况。

   - 例句:She managed to complete the project within the deadline.(她设法在截止日期前完成了项目。)

2. **administer**:常用于正式的管理或执行,如管理机构、执行法律或政策等。

   - 例句:The principal administers the daily operations of the school.(校长负责学校的日常运营。)

3. **behave**:更侧重于个体的行为和举止,常用于描述个人在特定环境下的行为。

   - 例句:The children should behave well in public.(孩子们在公共场合应该表现得体。)

4. **direct**:在某些情况下可与conduct互换,但更常用于指导或指挥活动或群体。

   - 例句:The director will direct the play's rehearsals.(导演将指导该剧的排练。)

5. **lead**:强调引导或指挥一个团队或群体,具有一定的领导意味。

   - 例句:He leads the sales team with great enthusiasm.(他以极大的热情带领销售团队。)