
1. 到达:这是"arrive"最基础也是最常见的用法,指的是从一个地方移动到另一个地方,如:“She arrived at the airport early in the morning.”(她一大早就到达了机场。)

2. 达成:"arrive"也可以用于抽象意义,表示达到某种状态或结果,如:“We finally arrived at a decision after hours of discussion.”(经过几个小时的讨论,我们终于做出了决定。)

3. 出现:在某些语境下,"arrive"也可表示某人或某事物的出现,如:“When the movie star arrived, all the fans cheered.”(当电影明星出现时,所有的粉丝都欢呼起来。)


1. 时态:"Arrive"通常与一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时搭配使用。例如,现在时:“I arrive at my office at 9 am every day.”(我每天上午9点到达办公室。);过去时:“They arrived at the hotel late last night.”(他们昨晚很晚才到达酒店。);将来时:“The train will arrive at the station at 4 pm.”(火车将在下午4点到达车站。)

2. 配搭:"Arrive"常与介词"at"或"in"搭配。"At"用于小地点,如街道、建筑物等,如:“He arrived at the post office.”(他到达了邮局。);"In"用于大地点,如城市、国家等,如:“They will arrive in New York tomorrow.”(他们明天会到达纽约。)


1. Reach:"Reach"与"arrive"在很多情况下可以互换,都表示到达的意思。但"reach"直接跟地点名词,不需介词,如:“She reached her destination safely.”(她安全到达了目的地。)

2. Get to:"Get to"同样表示到达,比"arrive"口语化一些,如:“I get to the gym every morning for exercise.”(我每天早上都会去健身房锻炼。)

3. Land:在航空领域,"land"常用来指飞机着陆,如:“The plane landed smoothly on the runway.”(飞机平稳地降落在跑道上。)

4. Come/Go:这两个词在特定语境下也可表示到达,如:“Come to my office when you're ready.”(准备好后就来我的办公室。);“I'll go to your house later.”(稍后我会去你家。)