

1. 动词义:委派,指将任务、职责或权力授予他人。例如,"The manager delegated the task to his assistant."(经理将任务委托给了他的助手。)

2. 名词义:代表,指在会议、组织或活动中代表其他人的人。例如,"She is a delegate from China at the international conference."(她是国际会议上的中国代表。)


1. 委派任务的用法:

   - "The principal delegated the responsibility of organizing the school fair to the student council."(校长将组织学校集市的责任委托给了学生会。)

   - "In business, effective delegation is key to efficient management."(在商业中,有效的委派是高效管理的关键。)

2. 作为代表的用法:

   - "Each country sends delegates to the United Nations General Assembly."(每个国家都派遣代表参加联合国大会。)

   - "As a delegate, she had to voice the concerns of her constituents."(作为代表,她必须表达选民的关切。)


1. Assign:与Delegate相似,assign也表示分配或指派任务。然而,assign通常强调分配的过程,而delegate更侧重于权力或责任的转移。例如:"The teacher assigned essays to the students."(老师给学生布置了论文作业。)

2. Entrust:Entrust含有更深的信任和依赖意味,常用于把重要任务或机密信息交给他人。例如:"The president entrusted the diplomat with a sensitive mission."(总统将一项敏感任务交给了这位外交官。)

3. Nominate:Nominate主要用于选举或任命,指提出某人作为候选人或担任某个职位。例如:"The party nominated him as their candidate for the presidency."(党提名他为总统候选人。)

4. Represent:虽然represent可以表示“代表”,但它的使用范围更广,不仅限于指派或选举,还可以指象征、体现等。例如:"The Eiffel Tower represents the city of Paris."(埃菲尔铁塔象征着巴黎这座城市。)