## 1. “Status”的基本释义

### 1.1 状态、状况


- The project is currently in a stable status.(项目目前处于稳定状态。)

- Her health status has improved significantly after the surgery.(手术后她的健康状况有了显著改善。)

### 1.2 地位、身份


- He holds a high social status in the community.(他在社区中拥有很高的社会地位。)

- The CEO's status gives him the authority to make major decisions.(CEO的地位赋予他做出重大决策的权力。)

### 1.3 网络状态更新


- She updated her Facebook status with a quote from her favorite book.(她在Facebook上更新了状态,引用了她最喜欢的书里的一句话。)

## 2. “Status”的用法


- 当指代“状态”时,它通常是不可数名词,如"The status of the project"。

- 当指代“地位”时,它既可以是可数名词,如"He achieved a new status in the company",也可以是不可数名词,如"She values her social status"。

- 在网络语境中,"status"常与动词"update"搭配,如"update one's status"。

## 3. 同义词辨析

### 3.1 Condition


- The old building is in poor condition.(那座老建筑的状况很糟糕。)

### 3.2 Rank


- He holds the rank of colonel in the army.(他在军队中的军衔是上校。)

### 3.3 Position


- She was offered a management position in the company.(公司给她提供了一个管理职位。)

### 3.4 Standing


- His standing in the community has grown over the years.(他在社区中的声望逐年提高。)

### 3.5 State


- The computer is in a sleep state.(电脑处于休眠状态。)