


1. 物理接收:

   - "She signed for the package, indicating her acceptance of its delivery."(她签收了包裹,表示接受了投递。)

2. 同意或赞同:

   - "The proposal was met with widespread acceptance among the team members."(这个提议得到了团队成员的广泛接受。)

3. 心理接纳:

   - "He had to come to terms with his illness and find acceptance in his new reality."(他不得不面对自己的疾病,并在他的新现实中找到接纳。)

4. 法律上的接受:

   - "The offer was valid only if it was accepted within 24 hours."(如果在24小时内接受,这个提议才有效。)


1. Agreement:这个词语强调的是意见或观点的一致,通常用于描述人们在讨论后达成的共识。例如:"There was general agreement on the need for change."(对于变革的需求,大家普遍达成共识。)

2. Consent:Consent侧重于对某种行为或决定的同意,尤其涉及到个人权利或利益时。例如:"She gave her consent for the operation."(她同意进行手术。)

3. Submission:Submission常用于表示服从或屈服,尤其是在权力或压力下。例如:"He reluctantly submitted to their demands."(他不情愿地屈从于他们的要求。)

4. Acknowledgment:Acknowledgment更偏向于承认或确认某事的存在或真实性,而不一定意味着完全接受。例如:"She acknowledged the mistake in her calculations."(她承认了计算中的错误。)