## 一、基本释义

"Hold" 是一个非常常见的英语动词,其含义丰富多样,可以根据上下文环境有不同的解释。在最基础的层面上,"hold" 可以表示“抓住”或“握紧”的意思,如:

1. He held the book tightly in his hand.(他紧紧地握住书。)

2. Please hold the ladder for me.(请帮我扶住梯子。)

## 二、其他常见用法

1. **保持**:表示维持某种状态或情况,如:

   - She held her breath when she saw the snake.(看到蛇时,她屏住了呼吸。)

   - The company is holding its own in the competitive market.(公司在竞争激烈的市场中保持了自己的地位。)

2. **容纳**:用于指空间或容器可以装下多少事物,如:

   - This bag can hold a lot of things.(这个包能装很多东西。)

   - The auditorium holds an audience of 2,000 people.(这个礼堂能容纳2000名观众。)

3. **控制**:表示对人或事的影响力或权力,如:

   - The government is trying to hold the situation under control.(政府正努力控制局面。)

   - He holds the key to the success of the project.(他掌握着项目成功的关键。)

4. **举行**:用于表示举办活动或会议,如:

   - They are going to hold a concert next weekend.(他们将在下周末举行一场音乐会。)

   - The annual meeting will be held at the headquarters.(年度会议将在总部举行。)

5. **坚持**:表示持续做某事或坚持某种观点,如:

   - She holds the belief that everyone deserves a second chance.(她坚信每个人都应有一次重新开始的机会。)

   - Despite the difficulties, he held on to his dream.(尽管困难重重,他仍然坚守自己的梦想。)

6. **持有**:用于指拥有股票、财产或观点等,如:

   - He holds a large share in the company.(他在公司里持有大量股份。)

   - They hold the view that education is the key to success.(他们认为教育是成功的关键。)

## 三、同义词辨析

1. **Grasp**: 通常指用手抓住或理解某个概念,更强调动作的瞬间性。

   - Example: She grasped the concept quickly.(她很快理解了这个概念。)

2. **Retain**: 强调保持或记住信息,常用于知识或记忆的保持。

   - Example: Can you retain all the facts presented in the lecture?(你能记住讲座中所有的事实吗?)

3. **Maintain**: 常用于表示维持或保持某个状态或关系,比“hold”更正式。

   - Example: It's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.(保持健康的生活方式很重要。)

4. **Possess**: 强调拥有或占有某物,通常用于物品或财产。

   - Example: She possesses a great talent for music.(她有极高的音乐天赋。)

5. **Control**: 侧重于对人或事的权力或影响力,通常用于有目的的管理或指导。

   - ExampleHe exercises complete control over his team.(他对他的团队拥有完全的控制权。)

6. **Host**: 专门用于表示主办或主持活动,尤其在正式场合。

   - Example: The city will host the international conference next year.(这座城市将于明年主办国际会议。)

7. **Persist**: 强调持续不断地做某事,通常带有一种不放弃的精神。

   - Example: Despite setbacks, he persisted in his efforts.(尽管遇到挫折,他还是坚持不懈。)