**1. "President"的基本释义**


**2. 用法例句**

- **国家元首**:In the United States, the President is both the head of state and the head of government.


- **公司领导**:The president of the multinational corporation announced a new strategic plan yesterday.


- **学术机构**:Professor Smith was elected as the president of the university last year.


- **会议主持**:At the annual conference, the president will preside over the opening ceremony.


**3. 同义词辨析**

- **Leader**:这是一个更通用的词,可以用于描述任何类型的领导者,包括政治、商业、社区等各个领域。例如:"The leader of the opposition party"(反对党的领导人)。

- **Chief Executive Officer (CEO)**:在商业环境中,CEO通常指公司的最高决策者,但其范围限定于企业,不适用于国家元首或非营利组织。例如:"The CEO of Amazon"(亚马逊的首席执行官)。

- **Governor**:在某些情况下,"governor"可以与"president"互换,特别是在指州或省的行政首长时。例如:"The governor of California"(加州州长)。

- **Chancellor**:在某些国家(如德国)或教育机构(如英国大学),"chancellor"是最高行政职位,而在美国,大学的"chancellor"则相当于"president"。例如:"The chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany"(德意志联邦共和国总理)。

- **Rector**:在某些欧洲大学中,"rector"是校长的同义词,与"president"相似。例如:"The rector of the University of Oxford"(牛津大学校长)。