
1. 物理动作:跳跃


- "He jumped over the fence."(他跳过了篱笆。)

- "The kangaroo can jump very high."(袋鼠能跳得很高。)

2. 快速移动或改变方向


- "She jumped into her car and drove off."(她跳进车里,然后开走了。)

- "Suddenly, he jumped to the left to avoid the obstacle."(突然,他向左跳,以避开障碍物。)

3. 突然开始或行动


- "The band started playing, and the crowd immediately jumped to their feet."(乐队开始演奏,人群立刻兴奋地站了起来。)

- "As soon as I saw the snake, I jumped back."(我一看到蛇就立刻跳了回去。)


1. 情绪反应:激动、兴奋


- "She jumped with joy when she heard the good news."(听到好消息时,她高兴地跳了起来。)

- "The children jumped for excitement at the sight of the ice cream van."(孩子们一看到冰淇淋车就兴奋地跳起来。)

2. 抽象概念:跳跃、跨越


- "His new book jumps from science to philosophy."(他的新书涵盖了从科学到哲学的跳跃。)

- "After years of hard work, he made a big jump in his career."(经过多年的努力,他在事业上取得了重大突破。)


1. Leap vs. Hop


例句:He made a huge leap over the stream.(他跨过了小溪。)/ She hopped along the path on one foot.(她单脚沿着小路跳着走。)

2. Spring vs. Bounce


例句:The athlete sprang up onto the platform.(运动员迅速跳上了平台。)/ The ball bounced high after hitting the ground.(球落地后高高弹起。)

3. Startle vs. Shock


例句:The sudden noise startled the cat.(突然的响声吓到了猫。)/ The news of his death shocked everyone.(他去世的消息震惊了所有人。)