### 1. 基本释义

**1.1 观点、态度**


- "She has a positive attitude towards life, always seeing the bright side of things."(她对生活持有积极的态度,总是能看到事物的光明面。)

**1.2 行为方式、举止**


- "His arrogant attitude turned everyone off at the meeting."(他在会议上的傲慢态度让所有人都感到不悦。)

### 2. 用法及例句

**2.1 作为名词**


- "Their attitude to customer service is what sets them apart from their competitors."(他们对待客户服务的态度使他们在竞争对手中脱颖而出。)

**2.2 作为动词短语**

“Attitude”也可以构成动词短语,如“attitude up”(摆出一副傲慢的样子)或“attitude adjustment”(调整态度)。例如:

- "After his coach's talk, he immediately attitude-adjusted and started practicing harder."(在教练的谈话后,他立即调整了态度,开始更加努力地训练。)

### 3. 同义词辨析

**3.1 Perspective**


- "From my perspective, the project is feasible, but her attitude towards it is skeptical."(从我的角度来看,这个项目是可行的,但她对此持怀疑态度。)

**3.2 Outlook**


- "Her optimistic outlook on life contrasts with her often pessimistic attitude towards work."(她对生活的乐观展望与她在工作中的常常悲观态度形成鲜明对比。)

**3.3 Stance**


- "The politician took a firm stance against corruption, which reflected in his attitude towards investigations."(这位政治家坚决反对腐败,这反映在他对待调查的态度上。)