


1. 物理上的拒绝:

   - "She rejected the gift because it wasn't her style."(她拒绝了那个礼物,因为那不是她的风格。)

   - "The company rejected our proposal, stating that it was not feasible."(公司拒绝了我们的提议,认为它不可行。)

2. 情感上的拒绝:

   - "He was heartbroken when she rejected his marriage proposal."(当她拒绝了他的求婚,他非常伤心。)

   - "The child felt rejected by his parents when they didn't attend his school play."(当父母没有参加他的学校表演时,孩子感到被拒绝了。)

3. 逻辑或观念上的拒绝:

   - "The scientific community rejects the idea of flat Earth."(科学界拒绝接受地球是平的这一观点。)

   - "The politician's controversial policy was widely rejected by the public."(那位政治家的争议性政策被公众广泛拒绝。)


1. Deny:这个词更强调否定或否认事实或存在。例如,“He denied any involvement in the incident.”(他否认与该事件有任何牵连。)

2. Refuse:与“reject”相似,但“refuse”通常用于拒绝接受或做某事,特别是当有请求或邀请时。例如,“She refused to go to the party.”(她拒绝去参加聚会。)

3. Disapprove:表示不赞同或反对,通常针对行为或观点。例如,“My parents disapprove of my career choice.”(我父母不赞同我的职业选择。)

4. Decline:在正式或礼貌的语境中使用,表示拒绝接受提议或邀请。例如,“She politely declined the invitation to the dinner party.”(她礼貌地谢绝了晚宴的邀请。)

5. Repudiate:强烈的否定或拒绝,常用于强烈反对或断绝关系的情况。例如,“He repudiated his former beliefs after a life-changing experience.”(他在一次改变人生的经历后,坚决地否定了他以前的信仰。)