
1. **提出建议**:这是“suggest”最常见的用法,表示向他人提出一个想法或计划,希望他们考虑采纳。例如:“I suggest we meet at the library tomorrow.”(我建议我们明天在图书馆见面。)

2. **暗示**:在某些语境中,“suggest”可以用来传达一种间接的信息或含义,不直接说出事实,而是通过提示让听者自己去推断。例如:“The empty room suggested that nobody was home.”(空荡的房间暗示着没有人在家。)

3. **表明或指出**:当某种情况或现象指向一个结论时,也可使用“suggest”。例如:“Her pale face suggested she wasn't feeling well.”(她苍白的脸色表明她身体不适。)

4. **提议**:在正式场合,如会议或讨论中,提议做某事也可以用“suggest”。例如:“Mr. Smith suggested implementing a new policy to improve productivity.”(史密斯先生提议实施一项新政策以提高生产效率。)


1. 提出建议:

   - "Could you suggest any other options for this project?"(你能为这个项目提出其他的选择吗?)

   - "I suggest booking your flight early to avoid any last-minute hassles."(我建议你提前订机票,以免最后一刻出现麻烦。)

2. 暗示:

   - "Her smile suggested she knew the secret."(她的微笑暗示她知道那个秘密。)

   - "His tone of voice suggested he was angry, though he didn't say anything directly."(他的语气暗示他很生气,尽管他没有直接说什么。)

3. 表明或指出:

   - "The high crime rate suggests that more needs to be done to improve public safety."(高犯罪率表明我们需要做更多的工作来提高公共安全。)

   - "The rising temperature suggests that spring is on its way."(温度的上升预示着春天即将来临。)

4. 提议:

   - "At the meeting, she suggested organizing a team-building activity."(在会议上,她提议组织一次团队建设活动。)

   - "The board suggested increasing the marketing budget to boost sales."(董事会提议增加营销预算以促进销售。)


1. **Propose**:与“suggest”相似,也表示提出建议或计划。但“propose”通常用于更正式的场合,且常与具体的行动计划相关联。例如:“He proposed a new strategy for increasing sales.”(他提出了一个新的提高销售额的策略。)

2. **Recommend**:强调建议是基于个人的经验或专业知识,认为是值得采纳的。例如:“I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in the subject.”(我强烈推荐这本书给对此主题感兴趣的人。)

3. **Hint**:与“suggest”暗示的含义相近,但“hint”通常更为微妙,有时甚至带有一种神秘感。例如:“She hinted at a possible promotion, but didn't say it outright."(她暗示可能会有晋升的机会,但并没有直说。)

4. **Indicate**:强调通过某种迹象或证据得出结论。例如:“The test results indicate that you have made significant progress.”(测试结果表明你已经取得了显著的进步。)