## 一、词义解析


## 二、用法示例

### 1. 直接宾语


- Our team will discuss the marketing strategy at tomorrow's meeting. (我们的团队将在明天的会议上讨论营销策略。)

- They spent hours discussing the implications of the new tax law. (他们花了几个小时讨论新税法的影响。)

### 2. 介词短语

“discuss with”和“discuss about”常用于指明与谁讨论或者讨论的内容。例如:

- I'd like to discuss with you about your performance in the project. (我想和你谈谈你在项目中的表现。)

- The students discussed about the importance of recycling in their English class. (学生们在英语课上讨论了回收的重要性。)

### 3. 现在分词作定语


- The discussing group reached no conclusion after hours of debate. (讨论组经过数小时的辩论仍没有得出结论。)

### 4. 非谓语动词


- The purpose of this seminar is to discuss potential solutions to climate change. (这次研讨会的目的是讨论应对气候变化的潜在解决方案。)

- The proposal was discussed and eventually approved by the board. (提案被讨论并最终由董事会批准。)

## 三、同义词辨析

1. ** Debate**: “Debate”强调的是对立的观点之间的冲突和争辩,通常带有正式或激烈的意味。例如:

   - The two political parties debated the healthcare reform on national television. (两个政党在全国电视上辩论医疗改革。)

2. ** Talk about**: “Talk about”更加日常和随意,可能涉及任何话题,不一定要寻求结论。例如:

   - Over lunch, we talked about our favorite books. (午餐时,我们聊了我们最喜欢的书。)

3. ** Discuss with**: 虽然与“discuss”有相似之处,但“discuss with”更强调与某人一起进行讨论。例如:

   - She's going to discuss her concerns with her supervisor. (她打算和她的主管讨论她的担忧。)

4. ** Consider**: “Consider”侧重于思考和评估,不一定涉及对话或交流。例如:

   - We need to consider all the options before making a decision. (我们需要在做决定前考虑所有选项。)

5. ** Analyze**: “Analyze”着重于深入研究和分解一个主题或问题,通常是为了理解其组成部分或影响。例如:

   - The economist analyzed the impact of the trade war on the global economy. (经济学家分析了贸易战对全球经济的影响。)