一、"Afford" 的基本释义

"Afford" 是一个英语动词,其基本含义是“负担得起”或“能够提供”。它强调的是某人或某物在经济、时间或其他资源上的能力或足够程度,以完成某项行动或达成某种状态。这个词常用于表达个人财务状况、资源分配或者时间安排等方面。


1. 基本用法:Afford + 不可数名词或动词不定式


- "I can afford a new car."(我能买得起一辆新车。)

- "She cannot afford to miss this opportunity."(她不能错过这个机会。)

2. 与“can”或“could”连用


- "We can afford to take a vacation this summer."(我们今年夏天能去度假。)

- "They could not afford to pay their rent on time."(他们无法按时支付租金。)

3. 与“afford oneself”搭配


- "He affords himself a daily run for exercise."(他每天跑步锻炼。)


1. "Manage":虽然"manage"有时也可表示“负担得起”,但它的含义更广泛,可以指完成任何困难的事情,而不仅仅是经济上的。例如:“She managed to pay off her debts.”(她设法还清了债务。)

2. "Sustain":这个词更侧重于维持或保持,比如维持生活或持续某个状态。例如:“The small business struggles to sustain its operations.”(这家小企业努力维持运营。)

3. "Provide":"provide"主要指供应或提供物品或服务,而非个人是否能负担得起。例如:“The government provides free healthcare for all citizens.”(政府为所有公民提供免费医疗。)

4. "Be capable of":这个短语强调的是能力,而不仅仅是经济能力。例如:“She is capable of running a marathon.”(她有能力跑马拉松。)


“Afford”的反义词通常是"can't afford"或"fail to afford",表示没有足够的资源或能力去做某事。


1. Afford in context of finance: "With his new job, he finally affords the mortgage on his dream house."(有了新工作,他终于能负担得起梦想中的房子的抵押贷款。)

2. Afford in context of time: "I can't afford to waste any more time on this project; the deadline is approaching."(我不能再在这个项目上浪费时间了,截止日期快到了。)

3. Afford in context of ability: "She affords herself the luxury of a monthly spa treatment."(她给自己每月享受一次 spa 的奢侈。)