1. **基本用法:** "To explain something to someone" 意味着向某人清晰地表述或解析某个概念、情况或事件。例如:

   - "Can you explain the rules of the game to me?"(你能给我解释一下游戏规则吗?)

2. **因果关系:** "Explain why/ how something happens" 用于描述原因或过程。例如:

   - "She explained how the machine operates."(她解释了机器是如何运作的。)

3. **回答问题:** 当别人提问时,"explain"可以用来表示提供答案。例如:

   - "The teacher asked me to explain my answer in more detail."(老师让我详细解释我的答案。)

4. **道歉或辩解:** 在某些语境中,"explain"还可以用来表示为自己或他人的行为辩护或解释原因。例如:

   - "I need to explain my absence from work yesterday."(我需要解释我昨天没来上班的原因。)


1. "The expert explained the complex concept in simple terms, making it easy for everyone to understand."(专家用简单易懂的语言解释了这个复杂的概念,让所有人都能理解。)

2. "The coach had to explain the strategy to the team before the match."(教练在比赛前必须向队伍解释策略。)

3. "He tried to explain his actions, but she was still upset."(他试图解释他的行为,但她仍然很生气。)

4. "The weatherman explained that the rain was due to an approaching storm system."(气象员解释说,下雨是因为即将来临的风暴系统。)


1. **Clarify:** 这个词强调消除混淆,使事情变得清晰。例如:“Could you clarify your position on this issue?”(你能阐明你在这个问题上的立场吗?)

2. **Illustrate:** 指通过例子或图像来说明。例如:“The teacher illustrated the concept with a simple diagram.”(老师用一个简单的图表来说明这个概念。)

3. **Elucidate:** 常用于学术或正式场合,表示详细解释或阐明复杂的观点。例如:“The scholar elucidated the nuances of the ancient text.”(学者阐明了古代文本的细微之处。)

4. **Decode:** 通常用于解密或解读信息。例如:“The cryptographer decoded the secret message.”(密码学家解密了秘密信息。)

5. **Demonstrate:** 强调通过行动或实例展示。例如:“The chef demonstrated how to prepare the dish step by step.”(厨师一步步展示了如何做这道菜。)