1. **地理位置**


   - "I'll meet you at the train station."(我会在火车站见你。)

   - "The fire station is just around the corner."(消防站就在拐角处。)

2. **职业身份或职责**


   - "She has worked at the news station for over a decade."(她在新闻台工作了十多年。)

   - "He manned the information station all day."(他整天都在信息台工作。)

3. **生活状况或社会地位**


   - "They were born into high station, with all the privileges that entails."(他们出生在高贵的地位,享有随之而来的一切特权。)

4. **天气状况**


   - "The weather station recorded a high temperature of 38 degrees Celsius yesterday."(气象站记录到昨天的最高气温为38摄氏度。)


1. **Stop vs Station**


2. **Post vs Station**

   “Post”常用于指代邮局或邮政服务的职位,而“station”更通用,可涵盖各种类型的工作场所。例如,"He works at the post office"(他在邮局工作),而 "She's stationed at the customer service desk"(她在客户服务台任职)。

3. **Position vs Station**

   “Position”强调的是个人在组织中的角色或职责,而“station”更偏向于物理位置或职业环境。例如,"She holds a senior position in the company"(她在公司担任高级职务),而 "He's stationed in the sales department"(他在销售部任职)。