## 1. 实践(名词)


- _Theory is one thing, but practice is quite another._ (理论是一回事,实践则是另一回事。)

## 2. 练习(名词)


- _Daily piano practice is essential for improving your technique._ (每天练习钢琴对提高技术至关重要。)

## 3. 惯例(名词)


- _In some cultures, it's a common practice to remove shoes before entering a house._ (在某些文化中,进屋前脱鞋是一种普遍的习惯。)

## 4. 执业(名词)


- _She has a successful law practice in downtown New York._ (她在纽约市中心有一个成功的律师事务所。)

## 5. 实践(动词)


- _To become a skilled public speaker, you need to practice regularly._ (要成为一名熟练的公众演讲者,你需要经常练习。)

## 同义词辨析

1. **Exercise** - 强调身体或精神上的训练,通常有特定的目标。例如:“daily exercise improves physical fitness”(每天锻炼能提高身体健康)。

2. **Rehearsal** - 通常用于艺术表演或演讲等场合的彩排。例如:“the actors had a rehearsal before the opening night”(演员们在首演前进行了彩排)。

3. **Routine** - 常规,指按固定模式进行的一系列动作或活动。例如:“morning routine includes brushing teeth and taking a shower”(早上的常规包括刷牙和洗澡)。

4. **Custom** - 指社会或群体长期形成的习惯或传统。例如:“it's a custom to exchange gifts during Christmas”(圣诞节期间交换礼物是一种习俗)。

5. **Application** - 指将理论应用于实际情境。例如:“the application of this scientific theory in real life”(这项科学理论在现实生活中的应用)。