


1. **基本用法**

   - **主动语态**:A convinces B that... (A说服B认为...)

   - **被动语态**:B is convinced by A that... (B被A说服认为...)

2. **与介词搭配**

   - convince of: 说服某人相信某事,如:She convinced me of her innocence. (她让我相信她是无辜的。)

   - convince about: 使某人对某事确信,如:The evidence convinced us about his guilt. (证据让我们确信他的罪行。)

3. **与宾语从句搭配**

   - convince that + 从句:如:He tried to convince me that he was right. (他试图说服我他是对的。)

4. **与形容词搭配**

   - convinced形容词,表示“深信不疑的”,如:I am completely convinced of your honesty. (我完全相信你的诚实。)


1. The lawyer's compelling arguments convinced the jury of the defendant's guilt. (律师的有力论据说服了陪审团相信被告有罪。)

2. After seeing the scientific evidence, she was convinced that climate change is real. (看到科学证据后,她确信气候变化是真实的。)

3. He couldn't convince his children to eat their vegetables, so he had to resort to bribery. (他无法说服孩子们吃蔬菜,只好求助于贿赂。)

4. She was initially skeptical, but eventually, I managed to convince her to join the team. (她起初持怀疑态度,但最终我还是设法说服她加入了团队。)


1. **Persuade**: 与"convince"非常相似,都表示通过论据或说服力让别人接受某个观点。然而,"persuade"往往强调的是通过巧妙的言辞或策略影响他人,而"convince"更侧重于提供事实或证据。

   例句:He persuaded her with sweet words, while he convinced her with solid evidence. (他用甜言蜜语说服她,而他用确凿的证据让她信服。)

2. **Prove**: "Prove"主要指通过逻辑推理或实验来验证一个事实或理论的真实性,它强调的是事实的证明,而不是说服的过程。

   例句:The scientist aimed to prove the theory, not just convince people of it. (科学家的目标是证明这个理论,而不仅仅是让人们相信它。)

3. **Sway**: "Sway"通常用于描述影响或改变某人的观点或决定,但它可能不涉及深入的讨论或证据提供,更强调情感或情绪的影响。

   例句:Her emotional speech swayed the public opinion, but didn't necessarily convince everyone. (她的感性演讲影响了公众舆论,但并没有完全说服每个人。)