**1. 释义一:抽象的,理论的**


- The concept of justice is abstract, not easily defined in concrete terms. (正义的概念是抽象的,不容易用具体的方式来定义。)

**2. 释义二:摘要**


- Please provide an abstract of your research paper for the conference. (请为你的研究论文提供一个会议摘要。)

**3. 释义三:提取,抽取**


- The chemist abstracted a sample from the mixture for analysis. (化学家从混合物中提取了一份样本进行分析。)

**4. 释义四:抽象艺术**


- Jackson Pollock's drip paintings are a prime example of abstract art. (杰克逊·波洛克的滴画是抽象艺术的典范。)

**5. 同义词辨析**

- **Abstract** vs. **Theoretical**

  - "Abstract"强调的是概念的非具体性,而"Theoretical"则更多地指向基于假设的思考或理论。


- **Abstract** vs. **Summary**

  - "Abstract"通常用于学术语境中的论文摘要,而"Summary"则更广泛,可以指任何类型的总结。


- **Abstract** vs. **Conceptual**

  - "Abstract"强调的是事物的无形和不可触摸,"Conceptual"则侧重于思想或概念的形成过程。

**6. 用法例句**

- The abstract painting on the wall evokes a sense of mystery and wonder. (墙上的抽象画作唤起了一种神秘和奇妙的感觉。)

- The philosopher's ideas were so abstract that many found them difficult to comprehend. (这位哲学家的思想如此抽象,以至于许多人难以理解。)

- The research abstract provided a concise overview of the study's methodology and findings. (研究摘要提供了研究方法和发现的简洁概述。)

- He abstracted valuable information from the complex data set. (他从复杂的数据集中提取出了有价值的信息。)