



1. 作为动词:

- He promised to support his family financially. (他承诺经济上支持他的家庭。)

- The local community fully supports the new initiative. (当地社区全力支持这项新计划。)

2. 作为名词:

- She found emotional support in her friends during tough times. (在困难时期,她在朋友那里找到了情感支持。)

- The research project received financial support from the government. (该研究项目得到了政府的资金支持。)



1. Support vs. Assist


- They assisted the injured man off the road. (他们帮助受伤的人离开了马路。)

- She always supports her children’s endeavors. (她总是支持她孩子们的努力。)

2. Support vs. Help


- Could you please help me with the dishes? (你能不能帮我洗碗?)

- The company provides health insurance to help support employee well-being. (公司提供健康保险以支持员工的福利。)

3. Support vs. Aid


- The relief organization provided food and medical aid to the disaster area. (救援组织向灾区提供了食物和医疗援助。)

- She has been a steadfast supporter of environmental conservation. (她一直是环境保护的坚定支持者。)

4. Support vs. Back


- I will always back my friend's business ventures. (我会永远支持我朋友的商业尝试。)

- The non-profit organization is dedicated to supporting educational equality. (这个非营利组织致力于支持教育公平。)