
“Discern”是一个及物动词,其基本含义是“to perceive or recognize, as by the senses; distinguish”(通过感官识别或辨别)。它强调的是辨识事物之间的差异,尤其是那些微小而难以察觉的区别。例如,我们常说“discern right from wrong”(明辨是非),在这里,“discern”揭示了一个人区分正确与错误行为的能力。


1. 视觉辨识:In the dim light, I could barely discern the outline of a building.(在昏暗的光线中,我只能勉强辨认出建筑的轮廓。)

2. 听觉辨识:She closed her eyes and could discern the sound of raindrops tapping on the window.(她闭上眼睛,能听出雨滴敲打窗户的声音。)

3. 味觉辨别:The cook's subtle use of spices was difficult to discern but added depth to the dish.(厨师对香料的精妙使用难以辨别,但却为菜肴增添了层次感。)

4. 情感洞察:He was experienced enough to discern the hidden fear in her voice.(他经验丰富,足以听出她声音中的隐忧。)


1. "Distinguish" vs. "Discern":两者均可表示“区别”,但“distinguish”侧重于指出两个或多个事物的不同点,而“discern”更侧重于识别、发现其中的差异。例如:"Can you distinguish the differences between these two paintings?"(你能够指出这两幅画作的不同之处吗?)

2. "Perceive" vs. "Discern":“Perceive”通常意味着用感官感知,而不一定要区分细节;相反,“discern”强调的是识别出细节上的差异。例如:"I can perceive a faint scent in the air, but I cannot discern its origin."(我可以感觉到空气中有一丝丝香味,但我分辨不出它的来源。)