

1. **让步/妥协**:当某人在争论或讨论中放弃自己的立场或观点时,我们可以说他们做出了"concession"。例如:"He made a concession to her argument, admitting that he might have been wrong."(他向她的论点让步,承认自己可能错了。)

2. **特许/许可**:在法律或商业环境中,"concession"可以指一种特别的授权或许可,允许某人或某组织在特定条件下进行某种活动。例如:"The city granted a concession to build a new amusement park in the downtown area."(市政府授予了在市中心建造新游乐园的许可。)

3. **优惠/折扣**:在零售或服务行业中,"concession"可能指的是打折或特别优惠。例如:"The cinema offers concessions for students, with discounted ticket prices."(电影院对学生提供优惠,票价打折。)



1. **让步/妥协**:

   - "Despite his initial objections, he made a significant concession to reach a compromise."(尽管他最初有反对意见,但他为了达成妥协做出了重大让步。)

   - "In the negotiation, both parties had to make concessions to find common ground."(在谈判中,双方都必须做出让步以找到共同点。)

2. **特许/许可**:

   - "The government awarded a concession to a private company to operate the toll road."(政府授予一家私营公司运营收费公路的特许权。)

   - "She secured a concession to sell handmade crafts at the local market."(她获得了在当地市场销售手工工艺品的许可。)

3. **优惠/折扣**:

   - "The store offers a concession on all clothing items during the end-of-season sale."(商店在季末大减价时对所有服装提供优惠。)

   - "Students can benefit from concessionary fares on public transport."(学生可以享受公共交通的优惠票价。)


1. **Compromise**:与"concession"相似,"compromise"也表示在争论或冲突中做出的让步。然而,"compromise"更强调寻找双方都能接受的解决方案,而不仅仅是单方面的让步。

2. **Grant**:在“特许/许可”的意义上,"grant"与"concession"相近。但"grant"通常用于更正式的场合,如法律文件或政府决定,而"concession"则更为通用。

3. **Discount**:在“优惠/折扣”的含义上,"discount"更直接地指向价格的降低,而"concession"则可能包含非价格形式的优惠,如特殊待遇或特权。