

1. 空间上的远:指地理位置或物理距离的遥远,例如,“The mountain is distant from the village.”(那座山离村庄很远。)

2. 时间上的远:表示时间的久远,如,“Those distant memories still haunt me.”(那些遥远的记忆仍然困扰着我。)

3. 情感上的远:形容人与人之间的情感疏离或冷漠,如,“He seemed distant and unapproachable.”(他显得冷漠而难以接近。)


1. 空间距离:

   - "The moon, a distant celestial body, has always fascinated astronomers."(月亮,一个遥远的天体,一直吸引着天文学家。)

   - "Our school is three miles distant from my home."(我们的学校离我家有三英里远。)

2. 时间距离:

   - "The ancient civilization is now a distant memory in history books."(那个古代文明现在只是历史书上遥远的记忆。)

   - "The distant past seems like a dream compared to the present reality."(与现实相比,遥远的过去就像一场梦。)

3. 情感距离:

   - "Despite living under the same roof, they felt distant from each other."(尽管住在同一屋檐下,他们却感觉彼此疏远。)

   - "She put up a distant facade, hiding her true feelings."(她摆出冷漠的外表,掩饰自己的真实情感。)


1. Remote: 与"distant"相似,表示空间上的偏远,但更强调与世隔绝的状态,如,“The remote village was accessible only by foot.”(那个偏远的村庄只能步行到达。)

2. Far: 常用词,泛指远距离,但不涉及情感层面,如,“It's far too cold for a swim.”(天气太冷了,不适合游泳。)

3. Alienated: 更侧重于人际关系中的疏离感,如,“After the argument, they felt alienated from one another.”(争吵过后,他们感到彼此疏远。)

4. Isolated: 除了表示地理位置的孤立无援,也可用于描述情感上的孤立,如,“Living alone in a big city can make one feel isolated.”(独自生活在大城市中可能会让人感到孤独。)