

1. 基本用法:

   - 形容词:reputable(有声望的)

   - 名词:reputation(名誉,声誉)

   - 动词:to reputation(建立声誉)


1. 正面用法:

   - "His reputation as an honest businessman precedes him, making it easy for him to secure new partnerships."(他作为诚实商人的声誉卓著,使他能轻易获得新的合作关系。)

   - "The university has a reputable faculty in the field of engineering."(这所大学在工程领域有着杰出的师资队伍,声誉卓著。)

2. 负面用法:

   - "The company's reputation was severely damaged after the scandal."(丑闻之后,公司的声誉受到了严重损害。)

   - "Despite his talent, his bad reputation kept him from getting hired."(尽管他有才华,但他的坏名声让他找不到工作。)


1. "Fame":通常指因某项显著成就或特质而广为人知,可以是正面或负面的。例如:"She gained fame overnight with her first novel."(她的第一部小说让她一夜成名。)

2. "Renown":强调由于卓越的成就或贡献而获得的广泛认可,通常带有正面含义。例如:"He is renowned for his pioneering work in physics."(他在物理学上的开创性工作使他闻名遐迩。)

3. "Esteem":侧重于个人或团体受到的尊重和赞赏,常常用于正式或书面语境。例如:"He is held in high esteem by his colleagues."(他在同事中备受尊敬。)

4. "Popularity":强调受大众欢迎的程度,可能基于外貌、行为、观点等。例如:"Her new book quickly gained popularity among young readers."(她的新书很快在年轻读者中走红。)