


1. 作为名词:

   - "The sudden noise caused great confusion among the guests at the party."(突然的噪音使派对上的客人们陷入了极大的混乱。)

   - "She felt confusion about which career path to choose."(她在选择职业道路时感到困惑。)

2. 作为动词:

   - "His explanation only added to my confusion."(他的解释反而使我更加困惑。)

   - "The conflicting information confused the team's strategy."(相互矛盾的信息使团队的战略变得混乱。)


1. Bewilderment: 这个词比“confusion”更强调因无法理解或无法处理复杂情况而产生的惊愕和困扰。例如:"The new technology left her in a state of bewilderment."(新技术让她感到困惑不解。)

2. Perplexity: “Perplexity”暗示了更深一层的困惑,可能涉及智力上的挑战或情感上的困扰。例如:"The riddle's answer left him in perplexity."(谜语的答案让他大惑不解。)

3. Confound: 除了表示困惑,"confound"还带有使某人惊讶或困惑到无法做出反应的意思。例如:"The unexpected result completely confounded the scientists."(这个出乎意料的结果完全让科学家们措手不及。)

4. Disorientation: 这个词通常用于描述环境改变或失去方向感导致的混乱状态。例如:"After the earthquake, many people were disoriented and couldn't find their way home."(地震后,许多人迷失方向,找不到回家的路。)