


1. 物理检查:The doctor will examine your eyes to check for any signs of infection. (医生会检查你的眼睛以查找任何感染迹象。)

2. 评估性能:Before the race, the mechanic examined the car's engine to ensure its optimal performance. (在比赛前,机械师检查了汽车的引擎以确保其最佳性能。)

3. 研究学术:The students were asked to examine various literary theories and write essays discussing their implications. (学生们被要求研究各种文学理论并撰写讨论其含义的论文。)

4. 审查行为:The teacher examined the students' behavior during class to assess their engagement level. (老师检查了学生在课堂上的行为以评估他们的参与度。)


1. "Inspect":这个词通常用于正式的检查,如官方检查或质量控制。例如:"The customs officer inspected our luggage for contraband."(海关官员检查了我们的行李以寻找违禁品。)

2. "Investigate":它强调对事实或情况的深入研究,通常涉及收集证据或数据。例如:"The police are investigating the cause of the fire."(警方正在调查火灾的原因。)

3. "Scrutinize":这个词语暗示了非常细致、甚至挑剔的检查。例如:"The accountant scrutinized every line of the financial report."(会计师仔细检查了财务报告的每一行。)

4. "Study":这个词更倾向于学术或理论性的探究,而非实际的检查。例如:"She is studying the effects of climate change on polar ecosystems."(她正在研究气候变化对极地生态系统的影响。)

5. "Survey":通常用于广泛的、概括性的查看或收集信息,而不是详细的检查。例如:"The researchers surveyed a large sample of the population to understand their opinions."(研究人员调查了一大群人以了解他们的观点。)