




1. 基本用法:主语+ distinguish + 宾语 + 介词短语/从句

例句:She can easily distinguish between her twin sisters by their voices.(她能轻易通过声音区分她的双胞胎姐妹。)

2. “distinguish oneself”:使自己脱颖而出,表现出色

例句:John distinguished himself in the science competition with his innovative project.(约翰凭借他的创新项目在科学竞赛中脱颖而出。)

3. “distinguish A from B”:区分A和B

例句:It's crucial to distinguish facts from opinions when researching a topic.(在研究一个话题时,区分事实和观点是至关重要的。)


1. Differentiate:也表示区分,但更侧重于找出事物间的具体差异。

例句:Can you differentiate between a Persian cat and a Siamese cat?(你能区分波斯猫和暹罗猫吗?)

2. Recognize:指认出或辨认出已知的事物,强调的是记忆和经验的作用。

例句:I recognized him immediately, even though we hadn't seen each other for years.(尽管多年未见,我还是立刻认出了他。)

3. Identify:除了区分,还包含确认某物的身份或特性,常用于正式或科学的语境。

例句:The biologist identified the species of the butterfly based on its unique wing pattern.(生物学家根据蝴蝶独特的翅膀图案识别出了它的种类。)

4. Tell apart:在口语中,常与“from”连用,表示区分或辨别。

例句:I have trouble telling apart the twins' handwriting.(我很难分辨这对双胞胎的笔迹。)