


1. 用作名词:“acquisition”常用作名词,表示“获得”或“取得”。例如:

The acquisition of new knowledge is essential for personal growth.(新知识的获得对个人成长至关重要。)

2. 用作动词:“acquire”是“acquisition”的动词形式,表示“获得”或“取得”。例如:

He acquired a new skill through practice.(他通过实践获得了一项新技能。)


1. The company's recent acquisitions will help it expand its market share.(该公司最近的收购将有助于扩大市场份额。)

2. The museum's latest acquisition is a rare painting by Picasso.(博物馆的最新收购是一件罕见的毕加索画作。)

3. Through years of hard work, he has acquired a wealth of experience in his field.(经过多年的努力,他在自己的领域积累了丰富的经验。)


1. “Acquire”与“obtain”:这两个词都可以表示“获得”或“取得”,但“acquire”通常强调通过努力或交易获得的结果,而“obtain”则更强调通过请求或努力获得的结果。例如:

He acquired a new skill through practice.(他通过实践获得了一项新技能。)

He obtained a new skill through practice.(他通过实践获得了一项新技能。)

2. “Acquisition”与“attainment”:这两个词都可以表示“获得”或“取得”,但“acquisition”通常强调具体的事物或成果,而“attainment”则更强调抽象的成就或成就。例如:

The acquisition of new knowledge is essential for personal growth.(新知识的获得对个人成长至关重要。)

The attainment of new knowledge is essential for personal growth.(新知识的获得对个人成长至关重要。)