
Rally作为一个英文单词,具有多种含义。首先,rally可以表示“聚集”,通常用于描述人们为了某个目标或活动而聚集在一起的情景。例如:“The protesters rallied in front of the government building.”(抗议者们在政府大楼前聚集。)

其次,rally还可以表示“恢复”,通常用于描述价格、信心等在经历下跌或低迷后重新上涨或恢复的情况。例如:“The stock market rallied after a week of losses.”(在经历一周的亏损后,股市出现了反弹。)

此外,rally还可以表示“激励”,通常用于描述通过某种方式激发人们的斗志或信心。例如:“The coach gave a rousing speech to rally the team before the big game.”(在重要的比赛前,教练发表了一篇鼓舞人心的演讲,激励了球队。)


1. The protesters rallied in front of the government building, demanding justice for the victims.(抗议者们在政府大楼前聚集,要求为受害者伸张正义。)

2. The stock market rallied after a week of losses, boosting investor confidence.(在经历一周的亏损后,股市出现了反弹,提振了投资者的信心。)

3. The coach gave a rousing speech to rally the team before the big game, reminding them of their past successes.(在重要的比赛前,教练发表了一篇鼓舞人心的演讲,激励了球队,提醒他们过去的成功。)



1. Gather:聚集,与rally的基本含义相近,但gather更侧重于描述人们因某种原因而聚集在一起。例如:“The crowd gathered in the park to watch the fireworks.”(人群聚集在公园里观看烟花。)

2. Recover:恢复,与rally的第二种含义相近,但recover更侧重于描述从疾病、损失等不利情况中恢复的过程。例如:“The patient recovered slowly from his illness.”(病人从疾病中慢慢恢复。)

3. Inspire:激励,与rally的第三种含义相近,但inspire更侧重于描述通过某种方式激发人们的创造力、灵感等。例如:“The artist was inspired by the beautiful landscape.”(艺术家被美丽的风景所启发。)