

1. 作为动词,Command表示命令、指示或控制。例如:

   - The general commanded his troops to attack the enemy.(将军命令他的部队攻击敌人。)

   - The teacher commanded the students to be quiet.(老师命令学生保持安静。)

2. 作为名词,Command表示命令、指令或控制权。例如:

   - The general has the command of his troops.(将军对他的部队有指挥权。)

   - The president has the command of the country.(总统对国家有控制权。)

3. 作为形容词,Command表示具有命令性质的或控制性的。例如:

   - The command performance was impressive.(这场指挥表演令人印象深刻。)

   - The commanding officer gave a speech.(指挥官发表了讲话。)


1. 作为动词的用法


   - command sb. to do sth.(命令某人做某事)

   - command that + 句子(命令……)

2. 作为名词的用法


   - under someone's command(在某人的指挥下)

   - in command of sth.(对某物有控制权)

3. 作为形容词的用法


   - a command decision(一项指挥性决定)

   - a command performance(一场指挥表演)


1. Order


   - The general ordered his troops to attack the enemy.(将军命令他的部队攻击敌人。)

   - The teacher commanded the students to be quiet.(老师命令学生保持安静。)

2. Direct


   - The general directed his troops to attack the enemy.(将军指示他的部队攻击敌人。)

   - The teacher commanded the students to be quiet.(老师命令学生保持安静。)

3. Instruct


   - The general instructed his troops to attack the enemy.(将军指示他的部队攻击敌人。)

   - The teacher commanded the students to be quiet.(老师命令学生保持安静。)

4. Mandate


   - The constitution mandates that the president serve for four years.(宪法规定总统任期为四年。)

   - The teacher commanded the students to be quiet.(老师命令学生保持安静。)