

1. 信任、信赖:指对他人或事物的信任或信赖。例如:I have full credit in his honesty.(我对他的诚实深信不疑。)

2. 荣誉、声望:指因成就或贡献而获得的荣誉或声望。例如:He has earned a lot of credit for his research.(他为他的研究赢得了很高的荣誉。)

3. 学分:指在学校或教育机构中获得的学分。例如:He has enough credits to graduate.(他已经获得了足够的学分以毕业。)

4. 赊账、贷款:指延期支付或贷款。例如:You can buy the book on credit.(你可以赊账购买这本书。)


1. He is a man of credit.(他是一个值得信赖的人。)

2. The company has a good credit rating.(这家公司的信用评级很好。)

3. She has earned a lot of credits in her major.(她在主修科目上获得了很多学分。)

4. You can get a credit card with a good credit score.(你可以凭良好的信用评分获得信用卡。)



1. Trust:信任、信赖。例如:I trust him completely.(我完全信任他。)

2. Reputation:名誉、声望。例如:He has a good reputation in the community.(他在社区中有很好的声誉。)

3. Accumulate:积累。例如:He has accumulated a lot of wealth.(他已经积累了大量的财富。)

4. Borrow:借入。例如:He borrowed money from the bank.(他从银行借了钱。)