## Advertisement释义


## 用法例句


1. The company launched an advertisement campaign to promote its new product.(该公司开展了一项广告宣传活动以推广其新产品。)

2. The advertisement appeared on the front page of the newspaper.(这则广告出现在报纸的头版上。)

3. The TV show was interrupted by a commercial advertisement.(电视节目被一则商业广告打断了。)

4. The government released a public service advertisement to raise awareness about road safety.(政府发布了一则公益广告以提高公众对道路安全的意识。)

## 同义词辨析


1. Advertising:“Advertising”通常指广告活动或广告业,而非具体的广告内容。例如:“The company invested heavily in advertising.”(该公司在广告上投入了大量资金。)

2.Commercial:“Commercial”通常指商业广告,即以销售商品或服务为目的的广告。例如:“The TV channel is airing too many commercials during the program.”(电视频道在节目中插播了太多商业广告。)

3. Promotion:“Promotion”通常指促销或推广活动,包括广告在内的各种营销手段。例如:“The store is running a promotion to attract customers.”(这家商店正在开展促销活动以吸引顾客。)

4. Publicity:“Publicity”通常指宣传或曝光度,不一定与广告直接相关。例如:“The actor sought publicity to boost his career.”(这位演员寻求曝光度以提升他的职业生涯。)