


1. In the football match, the player received a red card and a penalty for his foul play.(在足球比赛中,这名球员因犯规动作得到了一张红牌和一个点球的惩罚。)

2. The company was fined a heavy penalty for violating environmental regulations.(这家公司因违反环保规定被处以巨额罚款。)

3. The penalty for late submission of the assignment is a reduction of 10% in the final grade.(迟交作业的惩罚是期末考试成绩降低10%。)


1. Fine:罚款,侧重于因违反规定而支付的金额。

例句:The driver was fined $200 for speeding.(这名司机因超速被罚款200美元。)

2. Sanction:制裁,侧重于因违反规定而采取的强制性措施。

例句:The United Nations imposed economic sanctions on the rogue state.(联合国对那个流氓国家实施了经济制裁。)

3. Punishment:惩罚,侧重于因错误或罪行而受到的处罚。

例句:The criminal was sentenced to five years' imprisonment as a punishment for his crimes.(这名罪犯因犯罪被判处五年监禁。)