


1. 形容事物的规模、程度或数量之大


- The enormous size of the building made it an instant landmark.(这座建筑物巨大的规模使其成为地标。)

- The enormous success of the movie broke box office records.(这部电影的巨大成功打破了票房纪录。)

2. 形容重要性或影响力


- The enormous impact of the earthquake on the city was devastating.(地震对城市的巨大影响是毁灭性的。)

- The enormous significance of the discovery cannot be overstated.(这一发现的巨大意义无论如何强调都不为过。)

3. 夸张或强调


- I have an enormous appetite after a long day at work.(经过一天的工作,我有着巨大的食欲。)

- The enormous amount of homework was overwhelming.(大量的家庭作业令人难以应对。)


1. Huge


- The huge stadium was filled with excited fans.(巨大的体育场座无虚席,球迷们兴奋不已。)

- The enormous cost of the project made it unaffordable.(这个项目的巨大成本使其无法负担。)

2. Gigantic


- The gigantic dinosaur skeleton was awe-inspiring.(巨大的恐龙骨架令人惊叹。)

- The gigantic wave crashed onto the shore, destroying everything in its path.(巨大的海浪冲向岸边,摧毁了沿途的一切。)

3. Colossal


- The colossal statue of liberty stood as a symbol of freedom.(自由女神像作为自由的象征屹立不倒。)

- The colossal mistake cost the company millions of dollars.(这个巨大的错误让公司损失了数百万美元。)