
1.1 基本释义:


(1) 形象,外观:指一个人的外貌、姿态或事物给人的视觉印象。

(2) 图像,画面:指通过视觉形式呈现的物体或场景。

(3) 概念,印象:指通过文字、声音或其他方式传达的思想或观点。

1.2 延伸释义:


(1) 声誉,名望:指一个人的声望或名誉。

(2) 象征,标志:指具有象征意义的事物或符号。


2.1 作名词的用法:


(1) 指人的形象或外观:"Her image was impeccable."(她的形象无可挑剔。)

(2) 指图像或画面:"The image on the screen is blurry."(屏幕上的图像模糊不清。)

(3) 指概念或印象:"The image of the company has improved significantly."(公司的形象有了显著提升。)

2.2 作动词的用法:


(1) 指想象或设想:"I can't image what life will be like in 50 years."(我无法想象50年后的生活会是什么样子。)

(2) 指形成或塑造:"The company has spent millions to image their products."(公司已经花费数百万来塑造他们的产品形象。)


3.1 形象或外观的例句:

"She has a positive image in the workplace."(她在职场上有良好的形象。)

3.2 图像或画面的例句:

"The images on the website are high-resolution."(网站上的图像是高分辨率的。)

3.3 概念或印象的例句:

"The image of the city has changed over the years."(这座城市的形象随着时间的推移发生了变化。)

3.4 声誉或名望的例句:

"His image as a professional was tarnished by the scandal."(他的专业声誉因丑闻而受损。)

3.5 象征或标志的例句:

"The logo is an image of the company's values."(这个标志是公司价值观的象征。)


4.1 与"Image"相关的同义词:

"Image"的同义词主要有"appearance", "picture", "concept", "reputation"等。

4.2 "Image"与"Appearance"的辨析:


"His appearance was casual, but his image was professional."(他的穿着打扮很随意,但他的形象很专业。)

4.3 "Image"与"Picture"的辨析:


"The image on the screen is a live video, not a picture."(屏幕上的图像是直播视频,不是照片。)

4.4 "Image"与"Concept"的辨析:


"The image of the company is innovative, while the concept is customer-centric."(公司的形象是创新,而概念是以客户为中心。)

4.5 "Image"与"Reputation"的辨析:


"His image as a professional was tarnished by the scandal, but his reputation remained intact."(他的专业声誉因丑闻而受损,但他的名望仍然完好无损。)