### Announce的词义


1. 宣布:当某人或某组织将要公布一个决定、消息或事件时,可以使用announce。例如:“The school will announce the exam results next week.”(学校将在下周公布考试成绩。)


2. 公布:announce也可以用于表示将某事物公之于众,如公布比赛结果、政策变更等。例如:“The government announced a new education policy.”(政府公布了一项新的教育政策。)


3. 宣告:announce也可以用于表示正式地告知某人某事,如宣告课程安排、活动安排等。例如:“The teacher announced the class schedule for the semester.”(老师宣布了本学期的课程安排。)


### Announce的用法例句


1. 宣布事件:“The president will announce the winner of the contest at the awards ceremony.”(总统将在颁奖典礼上宣布竞赛的胜者。)


2. 公布消息:“The company announced its financial results for the quarter.”(公司公布了本季度的财务业绩。)


3. 宣告决定:“The school announced that it would reduce tuition fees for the next academic year.”(学校宣布将在下一学年降低学费。)


### Announce的同义词辨析




1. Declare:declare与announce类似,也意为“宣布”或“公布”,但declare通常用于法律或正式场合,强调公开表明立场或表达意见。例如:“The president declared war on the enemy nation.”(总统向敌对国家宣战。)


2. Proclaim:proclaim与announce基本同义,但proclaim通常用于更正式、庄重的场合,如宣布国王登基、节日庆典等。例如:“The queen proclaimed her son as the new king.”(女王宣布她的儿子为新国王。)


3. Announcement:announcement是announce的名词形式,通常指代已公布的消息或公告。例如:“The school made an announcement about the change in the exam schedule.”(学校就考试日程的变更发布了公告。)