
1. 增加:指在数量、程度、尺寸等方面的提升。例如:The population of the city has increased by 10% in the past decade.

2. 增强:指在力量、影响力等方面的提升。例如:The company's market share has increased significantly.

3. 增进:指在关系、感情等方面的提升。例如:The friendship between them has increased over time.


1. 及物动词:increase通常作为及物动词使用,后面直接接名词或代词作宾语,表示“使……增加”。例如:The government plans to increase taxes.

2. 不及物动词:increase也可以作为不及物动词使用,表示“增加”。例如:The price of oil has increased.

3. 形容词:increase也可以作为形容词使用,表示“增加的”。例如:The increase in population has led to more traffic congestion.


1. 增加数量:The number of students in our school has increased by 20% this year.

2. 增强力量:The company's market share has increased significantly, making it a major player in the industry.

3. 增进关系:Over time, their friendship has increased, and they have become close confidants.


1. Rise: Rise和increase都可以表示数量、程度等方面的提升。然而,rise通常用于较为正式场合,而increase则更为通用。例如:The unemployment rate has risen sharply.

2. Grow: Grow通常表示有机体的生长或发展,而increase则更广泛地用于各种情况的提升。例如:The company has grown rapidly in recent years.

3. Boost: Boost通常表示短时间内的显著提升,而increase则可用于表示任何情况下的提升。例如:The government has boosted funding for education.