
1. 离开:"Leave"最基本的含义是“离开”,表示从一个地方、位置或状态转移到另一个地方、位置或状态。例如:

   - They left the restaurant and went home.(他们离开餐厅回家了。)

2. 留下:"Leave"也可以表示“留下”,即某人或某物被遗忘、遗弃或保留在某处。例如:

   - She left her umbrella on the bus.(她把伞落在公交车上了。)

3. 允许:"Leave"还有“允许”的意思,表示给予某人做某事的许可或机会。例如:

   - The teacher left the students to work on their own.(老师让学生们自己完成作业。)

4. 剩下:"Leave"也可以表示“剩下”,即剩余的部分或数量。例如:

   - There is only one piece of cake left.(只剩下一块蛋糕了。)


1. 离开:

   - After dinner, we decided to leave early.(晚餐后,我们决定早点离开。)

   - As soon as the meeting was over, everyone left the room.(会议一结束,大家都离开了房间。)

2. 留下:

   - I think I left my keys on the table.(我想我把钥匙忘在桌子上了。)

   - She left a message on my phone.(她在我手机上留了言。)

3. 允许:

   - The boss left it to me to decide.(老板让我来决定。)

   - The teacher left the students to work on their own.(老师让学生们自己完成作业。)

4. 剩下:

   - After the big sale, there wasn't much left in stock.(大减价后,存货所剩无几。)

   - Only a few people were left in the room.(房间里只剩下几个人。)


1. Depart:"Depart"也意味着“离开”,但它通常用于比较正式的场合,表示永久性或长时间离开。例如:

   - The ship departed at dawn.(这艘船在黎明时分起航了。)

2. Forgo:"Forgo"表示“放弃”或“不去做某事”,尽管有时可以与"leave"互换,但它更强调主动放弃某事。例如:

   - I decided to forgo the dessert.(我决定不吃甜点。)

3. Abandon:"Abandon"意味着“放弃”或“遗弃”,通常用于比较消极的语境,表示被遗弃或遗忘的事物。例如:

   - The old building was abandoned years ago.(那栋旧建筑几年前就被遗弃了。)

4. Remain:"Remain"表示“剩下”或“保持不变”,通常用于表示数量或状态没有改变。例如:

   - The meeting will remain in place until further notice.(会议将照常进行,直到另行通知。)