


1. 表示一致或协议:

   - My parents and I are in agreement on this matter.(我的父母和我在这件事上意见一致。)

   - The two companies have reached an agreement on the terms of the contract.(这两家公司就合同条款达成了协议。)

2. 表示相似的意见或观点:

   - I’m in agreement with you on this issue.(在这个问题上,我同意你的观点。)

   - The professor and students are in agreement that more research is needed.(教授和学生们一致认为需要更多的研究。)


1. Consent(同意):

   - Consent通常表示一方对另一方提出的建议或要求的同意。例如:

   - She consented to take part in the experiment.(她同意参加实验。)

2. Accord(一致):

   - Accord通常表示一种和谐的状态,强调各方之间的协调和一致。例如:

   - The new law is in accord with our principles.(新法律符合我们的原则。)

3. Concord(和谐):

   - Concord强调事物之间的和谐关系,通常用于描述一种愉快的、协调的状态。例如:

   - The team members are in concord on how to approach the project.(团队成员就如何开展项目达成了一致。)

4. Concurrence(一致):

   - Concurrence表示意见或观点的完全一致,通常用于正式场合。例如:

   - There is general concurrence among scholars on this issue.(学者们在这个问题上普遍一致。)