
1. 基本含义:


2. 常见用法:

(1)强调、重视:例如,“I stress the importance of punctuality.”(我强调准时的重要性。)

(2)迫使:例如,“The deadline stressed me out.”(截止日期使我感到压力很大。)

(3)施加压力:例如,“The earthquake put a lot of stress on the building.”(地震对建筑物施加了很大的压力。)

(4)精神压力:例如,“She's under a lot of stress at work.”(她在工作中承受着很大的压力。)


1. The speaker stressed the need for immediate action.(演讲者强调了立即采取行动的必要性。)

2. The constant noise from the construction site is putting a lot of stress on the nearby residents.(建筑工地持续的噪音给附近的居民带来了很大的压力。)

3. The professor stressed that students should always double-check their answers before submitting them.(教授强调,学生在提交答案前应始终仔细检查。)

4. The company is under a lot of financial stress due to the economic downturn.(由于经济衰退,公司承受着很大的财务压力。)

5. The earthquake put immense stress on the dam, causing it to collapse.(地震对大坝施加了巨大的压力,导致其倒塌。)


1. “Emphasize”:

“Emphasize”表示强调或着重,通常用于正式场合。例如,“He emphasized the importance of teamwork.”(他强调了团队合作的重要性。)

2. “Highlight”:

“Highlight”表示突出或使某事物引人注目。例如,“The speaker highlighted the need for immediate action.”(演讲者强调了立即采取行动的必要性。)

3. “Pressure”:

“Pressure”表示施加压力或迫使。例如,“The deadline is putting a lot of pressure on me.”(截止日期使我感到压力很大。)

4. “Strain”:

“Strain”表示过度紧张或承受巨大压力。例如,“The earthquake put a lot of strain on the building.”(地震对建筑物施加了很大的压力。)

5. “Tension”:

“Tension”表示紧张或焦虑。例如,“There's a lot of tension between the two teams.”(两队之间存在很大的紧张气氛。)