1. List单词的释义


- I made a list of things to do before leaving.(我做了一个离开前的待办事项清单。)


- He has a list for classical music.(他对古典音乐有着特殊的喜好。)


- The tower is beginning to list to one side.(这座塔开始向一边倾斜。)

2. List单词的用法

2.1 列表或目录


- I have a list of things to buy at the supermarket.(我有一份超市购物清单。)

- The teacher gave us a list of class rules.(老师给了我们一份班级规则清单。)

2.2 倾向或癖好


- He has a list for Italian food.(他对意大利美食有着特殊的喜好。)

- She has a list for collecting antiques.(她喜欢收集古董。)

2.3 倾斜或偏斜


- The building is starting to list to one side.(这栋建筑开始向一边倾斜。)

- Be careful not to let the ladder list.(小心不要让梯子倾斜。)

3. List单词的同义词辨析

3.1 与“列表”或“目录”相关的同义词

- Catalog(目录): A catalog is a detailed list of items, often including descriptions and prices.(目录是一种详细的物品清单,通常包括描述和价格。)

- Inventory(存货清单): An inventory is a detailed list of items in a store or warehouse.(存货清单是仓库或商店中物品的详细清单。)

- Roster(名册): A roster is a list of names, typically of people or items in a specific group.(名册是一种列出特定组别中人员或物品名称的清单。)

3.2 与“倾向”或“癖好”相关的同义词

- Preference(偏好): A preference is a liking for one thing over another.(偏好是对某事的喜好超过其他事物。)

- Propensity(倾向): A propensity is a natural inclination or tendency to do something.(倾向是指做某事的自然倾向或习性。)

- Affinity(亲和力): Affinity is a natural liking or attraction for someone or something.(亲和力是指对某人或某事的自然喜好或吸引力。)

3.3 与“倾斜”或“偏斜”相关的同义词

- Tilt(倾斜): Tilt means to lean or incline to one side.(倾斜是指向一边倾斜或倾斜。)

- Slant(倾斜): Slant means to lean or incline to one side, often in a way that is not straight or vertical.(倾斜是指向一边倾斜或倾斜,通常指不直或不垂直的方式。)

- Skew(扭曲): Skew means to distort or twist something out of shape or out of alignment.(扭曲是指使某物变形或扭曲,使其形状或排列不正。)