

1. 名词:标志;迹象;记号;签名

2. 动词:签署;签名;示意;给…做标记


1. The new sign was erected on the lawn to indicate the entrance to the playground.(草坪上竖起新的标志,表示操场入口。)

2. The store had been signed by dozens of local artists.(店里有数十位当地艺术家签名的艺术品。)


1. Symbol(符号):表示某事物特征的简单形象或标志,常用于文化、艺术、宗教等领域。

例句:The cross is a symbol of Christianity.(十字架是基督教的象征。)

2. Indication(指示):表示某种情况或状态的信息或信号,通常用于提示、警告或说明。

例句:The sign indicates a dangerous area.(这个标志指示一个危险区域。)

3. Signature(签名):某人或某物在文件、契约等上留下的笔迹或印记,用于证明身份或确认内容。

例句:He signed his name on the contract.(他在合同上签了名。)

4. Carve(刻):指在物体上刻出图案或标记,常用于雕刻、刻字等方面。

例句:A scene from the historical novel was carved on a rock by a sculptor.(一位雕刻家将历史小说中的场景刻在石头上。)


1. Mark(标记):指在物体上留下的痕迹或标识,通常用于指示位置、路线或标记物品。

例句:There are several red marks on the wall where he hit it with a hammer.(墙上留有他用手锤敲打的痕迹。)

2. Stamp(邮戳):指盖在邮件上的官方印记,用于证明邮寄和日期等信息。

例句:The postmark indicates that this letter was sent from New York on Monday.(邮戳显示这封信是周一从纽约寄出的。)

3. Waver(摇摆):指物体在风、水流等作用下产生摇晃或摆动的现象。

例句:The waves were waving in the ocean as they rolled in and out.(海浪在海面上摇摆着,一波一波地涌进涌出。)